Thursday, March 24, 2011

Flat Stanley followers

It is interesting to see how many people from other countries have logged in to see where Flat Stanley is traveling. So far, there have been visitors to the blog from United Arab Emirates, Russia, Belarus, China, Indonesia, India and of course, the United States! Flat Stanley is interested in learning more about you so please leave comments.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


When I went to get my teeth cleaned, Jennie decided that Flat Stanley needed to get his smile brightened for his travels this spring! Good news was no cavities!
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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Arlington National Cemetary

We visited Arlington National Cemetary on Tuesday. While we were there we saw the Changing of the Guard and a Wreath Laying Ceremony.
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Philadelphia Flower Show

The Philadelphia Flower Show is the largest in the US. There were 10 acres of gardens. This year it was based on Paris in the springtime. This is an "ostrich" made of flowers and a model of the Eiffel Tower is in the background.
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Tomb of the Unknown

The first Tomb of the Unknown is from WWI. We got to see the Changing of the Guard ceremony as well as the laying of the wreath ceremony. The Guard walks 21 steps, takes 21 seconds to check and reshoulder his gun, counts to 21, turns and repeats the process in a "replicate" of the 21 gun salute, the highest honor paid to a fallen comrad.
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Caisson for WW I vet

This is the caisson used for the funeral of the oldest living World War I veteran, Harry Patch. His service was the day we visited Arlington. He was 110 years old when he died.
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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Gemini space capsule

Flat Stanley was happy that he got to "ride" in a space shuttle than in this Gemini space Capsule. The 2 astronauts lived in this capsule for around 10 days, setting a new record for space travel.
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Smithsonian Air & Space Museum

Stanley also got to see space shuttle Enterprise at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. He also got to ride in a space simulator, which included taking off in a rocket, going to the International Space station and then landing in a shuttle.
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Flat Stanley went to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the gravesite of President John F. Kennedy. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier contains the remains of soldiers from WWI, WWII and Korean War. With the help of DNA, the remains of the soldier from the Vietnam era was recognised in 1996.
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Monday, March 14, 2011

This is Gunston Hall. It took 7 years to build this house (circa 1760). There are 4 big rooms and a hallway on the bottom floor and 5 bedrooms on the second floor.....but no bathrooms. The brick for the house was made on the property
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Stanley also went to the laundry house. They would heat the 7 pound irons up in the fireplace so they could iron sheets on the table.
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Flat Stanley got to meet the cooks in the kitchen at Gunston Hall. The kitchens were in a separate building because of the fear of fire. They gave us samples of the food which included a type of flat cookie and macaroni and cheese, both were delicious. They cooked meals over the fireplace behind them in big pots.
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This is Flat Stanly at Gunston Hall, the home of George Mason. He wrote the Virginia Declaration of Rights which was the basis for the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

This building is the schoolhouse. His children went to school at 7:00 am, had breakfast at 9:00, lunch at 1:00, finished school at 6:00 pm and had dinner at 7:00 pm. The girls only went to school through the 6th grade.
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Smithsonian Air and Space Museum

We also visited the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. This is the lunar landing exhibit.
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st. paddy's day parade

We went on Sunday to Washington, D.C. and saw the St. Patrick's Day parade. This is this US Coast Guard Honor Guard Drill Team.
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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Washington, DC

Well we forgot to take Flat Stanley today to Washington, D.C. We went to St. Patrick's Day parade, the Naional Archives where we saw the original Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights. We also went to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum.

SN Dan Wilson

Our son "by love", SN Dan Wilson with his Company Commander Vandenburg. Dan received the Honor Graduate award, the Best Physical Fitness Award and a Challenge coin from the base commander. Dan will be based in Alexandria, VA as a member of the US Coast Guard Ceremonial Honor Guard. His company received 981 points out of a possible 1000 points, a new record. They also received the Silver Bullet award and the Battalion Commander's pennant.
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Cape May Coast Guard Station

Flat Stanley got to attend graduation ceremonies for November 184 at Cape May, NJ.
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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Flat Stanley taking a rest among the flowers.
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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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More flowers from Longwood Gardens.
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We started the day early, going to the Lancaster Farmers Market, the oldest continuously operating one in the US. We bought some Faschnachts, a PA Dutch donut made for Fat Tuesday. Next we went to Longwood Gardens. There is a huge Conservatory with beautiful flowers. After that we went to Winterthur where there is a wonderful collection of furniture made in America. There is also the dishes that belonged to President and Mrs. Washington. and a set of 6 silver mugs made by Paul Revere.
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Monday, March 7, 2011

We also saw this covered bridge on one of the back roads we were on. It protects the bridge from snow and ice....and we had snow this morning!
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On the main roads, there is a "horse and buggy" lane.
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Monday Wash Day

Monday must be wash day! It seemed like all the Amish homes had the wash hung out to dry today
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The street lights in Hershey are in the shape of Hershey kisses.
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