We have had a couple of busy days! We had a 7:30 am flight on Saturday and finally got to our hotel room 12 hours later. On Sunday, we went to Capital Reef National Park.

This is Fruita, a Morman settlement that raised fruit until the early 1950's.

These are 800 year old Fremont Indian Petroglyphs.

This is the reason for the "capitol" in the name. When first discovered in the mid 1800s, they thought the mountain looked like the Capitol Dome in Washington, DC. The picture below is how it how it got the "reef" name as they thought it looked like an ocean reef,
We then drove over Boulder Mountain, elevation 9600' at the summit. There was still snow on the ground and beautiful views! This a view of Capital Reef.
We were on UT12 heading to Escalente. It is a beautiful road although there is one section called the Hog's Back. It is basically 2 lanes on the top ridge of a mountain with major dropoffs on each side....although we heard Hell's backbone was even worse! I forgot to mention that it was 14 degree grade downhill!

There IS a road between the red boulders!
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