Monday, June 2, 2014

Day 17 - Wertheim & Main cruising

Wertheim is a neat little town located at the confluence of the Main & Tauber Rivers. It was saved from destruction in WWII by 2 brave citizens who climbed to the mountain top with food, beer & music to let the Allies that the Nazi troops had left & they wanted to surrender to the Allies. The Americans were so impressed that they stayed until 1992. There are many half timbered houses, rose gardens & glass blowers.

The Wertheim Castle was built in the 12th century but was destroyed during the Thirty Years War in
1634. It is one of the largest castle ruins in Germany. Wertheim also has a leaning tower that was
originally built in the 13th century as a lookout. It leans because of 800 years of flooding. It also served as a prison for drunkards and shrews! They were lowered in, only had bread & water, no light or windows & no facilities. Think that would serve as good incentive to behave better!

It was neat because our guide today was Eric who had been our guide in Miltenberg & Aschaffenburg 3 years ago!

We returned to the ship after visiting some shops (including the Apothek  to get some allergy medicine). There is so much pollen/allergens around that I was losing my voice by the time we got back to the ship. This afternoon we are cruising the Main, known for its twists and turns.

Anyone recognize this bird?

Castle above Mittleburg

Helicopter spraying the vineyards

Wertheim Castle

This is the "modern castle" built on the Bavarian side of the river. Wertheim was a Protestant town but was predominately Catholic across the river.

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