Monday, April 25, 2011

Saturday, April 23 - Amsterdam

We went to Amsterdam on Saturday and took several canal taxi rides.

These are some of the typical canal houses. Since they were charged taxes on the width, they were narrow, tall and long. The typical house was 18' wide and around 125' long. They would usually have decorative roof lines with a hoist coming out so could move furniture in and ot of the house.

A drawbridge in Amsterdam. The city is located on the River IJ. It is an unusual river....the top 6 meters are freshwater and the bottom 6 meters are saltwater. Depending on how deep you drop your fishing line, you can catch either fresh or saltwater fish.

We saw this "traffic jam" on the canal. There were about 4 other boats in this "canal intersection".

People live on these houseboats but the city is not allowing any more permits.

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