Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Hannibal & Mark Twain

We woke up early this morning so decided to go ahead and get on the road. The positive that gave us enough time for a quick stop at Hancocks of Paducah to use my 20% coupon. A very quick walk through and I found 6 yards.On the way home, I may have to spend a little more time. 

We drove through St. Louis and saw the Arch and the Mississippi. We have both been to the Arch before so decided to skip on this trip. 

Our next stop was Hannibal and the Mark Twain boyhood home. We had finished  listening to Tom Sawyer so it was fun to see places from the story. Hannibal is a neat little town. 

Becky Thatcher's home


 Samuel Clements' home. He chose Mark Twain as his pseudoname after his experience as pilot on riverboats. It stands for the "Mark" on the rope that is marked every 6' & twain was for the second mark or 12 feet. "Mark Twain" meant is was deep enough for boat's draft.
Even found a nice quilt store.

Tom convinced Fred that he should try his hand at wash washing the fence.

Mark Twain riverboat

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