Thursday, July 31, 2014

State #48

We had a long day today traveling through a lot of the Dakotas. Since we got married, we have visited all but 3 states and today we visited #48 with North Dakota, we only have Oregon (in 2 weeks) & Hawaii.

We got to Medora in time to hear Theodore Roosevelt reprisor Joe Wiegand. He was very interesting. He asked for questions at the end. I ended up asking him about his experience with the Rough Riders since my grandfather had been one. He said he could talk for hours about that experience but added another 5-10 minutes. If you ever get the chance to see him, you should. It was a humorous but very educational hour.  Tomorrow we visit the Theodore Roosevelt National Park and hopefully will see buffalo.

 Sunrise in South Dakota....we were on the road by 6:30!

 Taking pictures as you drive 75 mph makes for blurred sunflowers but we saw lots of fields filled with blossoms.

 This is Blue Dog Lake in SD.

 Saw a lot of these huge silos. This was interesting as grain was pouring out of the silo on the right.

We saw a number of these deserted houses.
Most of these pictures were taken as we were moving through the car window.

The following pictures are from the Painted Canyon Overlook area of Theodore Roosevelt National Park.

We figured a thief was in town because there was no rope. It was our hottest day so far...was 90 in Medora.

"Teddy Roosevelt" after the presentation.

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