Saturday, April 9, 2016

Bon Voyage'!
 We flew to Miami on Wednesday. It is always a relief when you see your luggage!

There is nothing like having a few hiccups to get your vacation started. I ended up at the dentist Tuesday afternoon, afraid that I had an abcessed tooth. A big thanks to Dr. David Miller at Reimels Dentistry (if you need a dentist, he is wonderful)! Thankfully it wasn't abscessed! Then when we got to Ft. Lauderdale, Fred realized he had left the connector valve for the CPap machine at home. Amazing what a rubber band &  electrical tape can fix. Think we are ready to go now!

We spent the last few days in Ft. Lauderdale. We had planned on going to the Everglades but with worry over Zika virus & since mosquitos love me so decided not to take a chance.

If you need some good laughter, go see My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2.  It was a fun movie! Also enjoyed fresh seafood, Cuban food & cookies from Italian bakery. Definitely trying to get in the groove.

On Friday afternoon we got a special surprise. The missing "Allen girl" Nancy,  Bill & Sierra decided to come wish us Bon Voyage' & take us to dinner. (To be honest,  I knew they were coming). We went to the 15th Street Fisheries at the Lauderdale Marina & had more seafood! Bill & I both had the 2 pound Maine lobster! The views were beautiful & fun to see all the yachts & sailboats.

UPDATE. We are on the ship. Havibg a small technical difficulty wirh pictures so hopefully will load later.

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