Thursday, April 14, 2016

Typical day crossing the Deep Blue Atlantic!

Just about every day we have moved the clocks an hour ahead. We have been getting up between 6:30-7:30. After getting ready, we with go to the main dining room for sit down service or to the Lido deck for the breakfast buffet.

During the day, we have attended lectures. Today we went to a fun lecture on the history of Spain. Also heard a presentation on navigation on the ship where we learned some interesting facts. The ship holds 1,100,000 gallons of fuel. The top speed is 24 knots but we have averaged between 17-19 kph. The engines use 2,200 gallons per hour. He also also talked about the stabilizers. They extend 20' on each side & help keep the ship to a smooth rocking motion.

We have been walking a couple of miles a day plus usually we take the stairs versus the elevators. Yesterday the Fitbit said we climbed 100 stairs! (& it only counts going up the stairs & not down).

We have been eating lunch in the main dining room but today we decided to try the salad bar on the Lido deck. Lots of different food stations...Italian, Mexican, Oriental, curry, sushi, meat carving station, hot fishes, cheese & cold cuts, prepared salads, fresh fruits, breads, desserts & ice cream. Just about everything you can imagine.

Other activities have included sitting on balcony, reading, knitting & of course taking naps. Haven't gone to swimming pool yet. Hopefully I can post a video I took of the "waves" in the pool today.

We usually go to the evening's entertainment....has been varied & very good.

Today we are going to one of the specialty restaurants called Qsine. You order from an iPad & the presentation is what I will call "unique". Will definitely post pictures.

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