Monday, April 11, 2016

"Under the Weather"

The Captan said that we "were under the weather" today. The nautical meaning is to pass through the winds & we have been doing that today! He said it is suppose to clear this evening. We have about 2600 more miles to go. Today the sea has been gray & choppy with 8' waves. We tried to go for a walk but with winds around 7 knots west, even with the glass partitions blocking the wind, there was no instead we took a nap. We are going 19 knots & currently due north of Caracas. The temperature is 70 F.

Last night we went to Murano's. Was delicious & service was wonderful. Fred & I had the Chateaubriand.

This morning we went on the galley tour. The gave us a list of what they would use on a typical 10 day cruise (& we are on a 17 day cruise). They will use 3,000 lbs of tenderloin, 4,500 lbs of whole chickens & 1,900 lbs of chicken breasts. Other ingredients are 2300 dozen eggs, 3800 lbs of butter, 12,300 lbs of potatoes, 1,000 gallons of ice cream & 75,000 lbs of fresh fruit. During the course of this cruise, they will prepare over 200,000 meals!

Sign on kitchen tour

View this
 afternoon from our balcony

Picture menu in kitchen

Wine cellar indining room

This was the spinach salad last night....yum!

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