Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Cartagena is a great walking....and climbing city! It dates back to 223 BC when the original settlement was captured by the Carthaginians. The Romans developed the town although much of the Roman town was built upon by Moors. The Moors then left for Almeria & the Christians left for Murcia. There is 6,000 spectator Roman theatre that wasn't "discovered" until 1987. There is an interesting museum attached with artifacts found during excavation.

There is also a Roman Forum & remnants of original Roman residences. We visited one of the houses where you can see the remains of the wall decorations and flooring. At the time it was built in 1st century AD, the city was known as Carthafo Novo.

The climbing refers to the Fort Concepcion which is now a public garden. It is high on a hilltop overlooking the harbor. Originally built  in the 13th century by King Alfonso X who was also known as "El Sabio" (the wise). The elevator was busy with tour groups so we walked the ramps & steps to the top. From the fort, you can see the Plaza de Toros which is undergoing renovation. It was originally built in the 1850's on the foundation of a Roman gladiator arena.

 Today the harbor serves as a major naval station & there were a  number of Spainish naval vessels in port.

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