Sunday, May 1, 2016

Murano & Burano

 In 1291 all of Venice's glass furnaces were moved to Murano. While the primary reason was to control risk of fire, it was also to protect the secrets of glassblowing. It was fun to visit the different shops to see all the different types of glass articles & jewelry. Thank goodness we have patient husbands!

One negative about Europe is the lack of restrooms, free or for a fee! We ended up stopping at a cafe & our pit stop cost about 20€ for 4 8oz cokes & a basket of potato chips!

Our next stop was Burano. Best description would be a Caribbean island with brightly colored houses...bright purple, fuschia, yellow, coral, etc. The men that live here are fishermen. Historically the women were lace makers. Today there is only one woman, age 80, that makes lace. Today the island probably survives on the tourist trade! 

Later this evening we took one last ride on the Grand Canal at twilight to enjoy the magic that is Venice. 

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