Sunday, May 1, 2016

Venice -Part 2

If you are looking at the photos in the iPhoto, you know by now that I love photographing architecture.

I read that Napoleon called Piazza San Marco "the most beautiful drawing room in Europe". It is definitely a mixture of Byzantine, Renaissance, Baroque & neoclassical. Next to the Basilica is Doge's Palace, built as the residence for the Venetian ruler (Duke). It has several nicknames....Wedding cake, the Table Cloth or Pink House. It is described as being Venetian Gothic, a mix of Gothic arches  with Eastern Islamic touches. It was built between 800's to the 1300's.

The Torre dell'Orologico or Clock Tower is topped by 2 African Moors or Mori "rescued" (they aren't from where) that swing giant clappers against the bell every hour. It is considered the world's first digital clock. The hours are in Roman numerals and every 5 minutes, the Arabic numbers change. The display also shows the phases of the moon & the signs of the zodiac. Supposedly when the inventors finished the clock, they were blinded so they could never build another one.

The Campanile was built in 1173 as a lighthouse. It was considered a marvel of its time. Unfortunately it collapsed in 1902 & was rebuilt, this time with an elevator instead of a ramp. This is where Galileo demonstrated his telescope to the Doge.

After walking the Plaza, we went back to the waterfront in search of an artist who we had purchased paintings from the last time we were in Venice. We found Giamberti but he was in a foul mood...thought I was trying to take pictures of his work. He got happy when he realized I was showing him pictures of what we had bought....and that we were from NC. He has paintings on display in a gallery in Asheville! We had bought the paintings last time from his son who is now in Germany. Now we aren't sure if what we bought then were his or his son's.

We took the water bus back to the hotel & then decided to get "lost". Easy to do in Venice & fun. We
finally "found" our way back to Rialto Bridge area & the fish market to have dinner. Now Fred loves fried fish a la' Calabash but his fried fish dinner in Venice! While there was shrimp & calamari, the only "fish" was a whole sardine & there was also crayfish!

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