Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Sorrento & Pompeii

Our last port of call before this cruise ends on Thursday was Naples but we didn't spend any time there. Instead we took a bus ride down the Amalfi coast to Sorrento. On the way we learned about Mount Vesuvius & how they monitor it for any sign of pending eruption. The surrounding area are either red or green zones for evacuation. The  last eruption was in 1944, not long after the Allies liberated Naples.

'Sorrento is known for inlaid wood pieces & we first went to a workshop to see how they make it. Afterwards we went for a walk in the market alley, trying some lemonicello & lemon candies. The tour included a delicious lunch of lasagna, veal cutlet and lemon cake.

After lunch we went to Pompeii, first stopping to see how they make cameos. I now have a better appreciation for the cameo I own!

Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD burying the town in 20' of pumice & ash. Lava never reached the town. It was forgotten until being rediscovered in the late 16th century. Excavations started in 1748 & are still going on. You could spend hours here exploring. Pompeii was once a seaport which lead to some interesting buildings & artwork representing services available to sailors. One thing they did have was public toilets for men but not women! It was definitely a market town & we walked down one street filled with shops.  Sliding doors were used on the ancient storefronts. Another feature was that they had embedded white marble prices in the cobblestone  street so that moonlight would reflect & provide some light at night.

Tomorrow we disembark & head to Rome before we fly home on Sunday.

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