Saturday, May 14, 2016

Rome & Vatican

The B & B where we are staying in Rome arranged for a driver to pick us up. So much better than hassling with 2 bus rides to train station & then a taxi from train station to the B & B. Where we are staying is a few blocks from the Vatican. Thursday afternoon we first had pizza for lunch and then took the Hop on Hop off bus for an overview tour of Rome & walked around Castel Sant Angelo. Pope Gregory the Great had a vision of the Archangel Michael as he led a procession across the bridge leading to the fortress, praying for the end of the plague. There is a corridor that links the Castel to the Vatican Palace.

We had reservations for an in depth tour of the Vatican for Friday morning. It was amazing the difference between this tour guide (for 20 people) & the one we had the last time for 4! We saw so much more of the Vatican Museum. Included in our tour was the Scala del Bramante.. It is a ramp originally designed for donkeys so they wouldn't have to climb stairs. The views from the top of Rome are wonderful. The Sistine Chapel is inspiring but aggravating! They tell people not to talk or take pictures and keep repeating the announcement in different languages because of non compliance. The crowds were immense given that the this was declared a Year of Jubilee by the Pope. In Jubilee years, you enter St. Peter's Basilica through the Holy Door used only during Holy years. The Catholic faith says that this will remove your sins. The Pieta is now behind bulletproof glass since being damaged in 1972. It was created by Michelangelo in 1499 when he was 25. The 448' tall dome was also designed by Michelangelo. The "paintings" in the St. Peter's are all made of mosaics.

In the afternoon, we went to the Spanish Steps and the Trevi Fountain. The Spanish Steps were closed for renovations. Couldn't talk Fred or Gary into throwing a coin in the fountain but it did work the last time I came! We walked back towards the river & went to a cafe' we had discovered the last time we were here! By the time we got back to the B & B, we had walked over 16 miles in a day & half!

We had decided that on Saturday we would go to the Coliseum area & walk around. The weather didn't cooperate! It poured on & off and we got drenched. We ended up going to a restaurant that the B & B owner recommended for a buffet of Italian "home cooking". Dinner tonight will probably our last gelato! It will be an early night as we have a 4:15am pickup to get to the airport for our 7am flight.

It has been a great trip! I know I have probably overused the word "amazing" but that best describes what we have seen. I have taken over 5,000 to go through and decide which are our 100 or so favorites! I do know what is a pet peeve & that is selfie sticks!!!

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