Monday, May 26, 2014

Day 12 - Passau

Danube is known as the City of Three Rivers as it is where the Inn, Danube & Ilz come together. It was an important center for salt trade in medieval times. During the Renaissance it was known for making knife & sword blades.

The town was destroyed by fire in the 17th century & was rebuilt in the baroque style. The St. Stephen's Cathedral was built in 1688. The largest pipe organ outside of the U.S.

The covered "tunnel" going up to the church is steps but you do not walk up the stairs.
You pray & "walk" up the stairs on your knees saying the rosary, the Lord's Prayer and prayers. It can take up to 4 hours to "pray" to church. our guide's grandmother has a hard time walking but does it every week.

You can tell how how the floods were last year.

Doors of St. Stephen

In front of Bishop's Residence. A new Bishop was installed the day before we got there. He was a 47 old monk who was not ordained until 13 years ago.

Rathaus, seat of city government

St. Stephen's Cathedral

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