Monday, May 19, 2014

Day 6 - Salzburg to Budapest

We were going to this restaurant for breakfast this morning in Salzburg. I wanted to take a picture & had crossed the street. Right as I started to take the picture, a car came around the corner & stopped so I could take picture.  He then pulled over to the curb & started telling me something in German. He wanted to take a picture of handed over the camera not sure if I would see it again. People in Salzburg are very friendly. I am always asking if people want me to take their picture but that was a first.

We are taking the train to Budapest. Since is a 5 hour ride, we decided to buy first class tickets. We bought tickets before we left home and our 4 first class tickets cost less than half of 2 2nd class tickets if we had bought them today. We are on the RailJet train...very nice and since has wi-fi, decided to upload some pictures from our ride so far. During some sections, we have been going 220 km/ hour. 

Of course as soon as I try to upload to upload pictures, we entered Hungary and lost you get more of an update. We walked to an Hungarian restaurant the hotel recommended and had a delicious dinner. The menu was attached to a cutting board. We ended up having a sampler, a picture will be included along with the page from menu describing what we had. Afterwards we walked down to the Daube and saw that our ship, the Idi is in. We are taking only the second cruise on this new Viking ship.

There is a big Lego exhibit being held...not sure it being set up or taken down. Lots of Lego tents so hopefully we can get some more pictures.


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