Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Day 8 - Budapest

 Inside St. Mattheus Church

St. Mattheus Church

Inside marker

One of small chapels in St. Mattheus Church


 Fisherman's Bastion -site of old fish market

from market

These pictures are not in order but at least I finally got them loaded!

Leaving Budapest....beautiful night,

We had a tour of Budapest this morning including stops at  War Heros Memorial

Jewish Holocaust shoe memorial

Budapest Thermal Baths


War Memorial

Soldier Memorial at Castle Hill

Castle Hill & Mattheus Church. Also saw the statute commemorating the Jews that were killed durin WW II. As they were running low on bullets, would tie 2 people together, shoot one & both would fall in river where the second person would drown. They would have to take off shoes & valuables & leave on riverside. So sad.

After lunch, Susie & I went shopping to spend the last of our Hungarian forints. We let the guys stay on the boat & read. Tonight we have the Captain's Welcome dinner & set sail around 9. We have been
very warm weather & blue skies. Is suppose to be in high 80's tomorrow.

Thermal baths

St. Mattheus Church

War Memorial

St. Margaret's Bridge

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