Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Day 7 - Budapest & Viking Idi

This morning we went and had breakfast at a sidewalk cafe before walking around on Vaci Utca, the main shopping street. I love looking at the old buildings, seeing the iron work & statues. Even the manhole covers here are decorative. We boarded our ship around noon & were able to unpack before having lunch. Afterwards we were going to take the funicular in Buda to visit the Fisherman's Bastion but something had happen (police were there) & it wasn't operating so decided to walk on the waterfront instead.

This is the maiden voyage ( at least for the Budapest - Amsterdam transit) of the Viking Idi. They are saying we are lucky. The maiden voyage had cold rainy weather until they got to Budapest. It is beautiful & suppose to 80 tomorrow and even warmer the next few days with blue skies. We are also fortunate that we are not headed the opposite way on the Danube. The devastation by the flooding is so sad.

Our dinner entertainment tonight was a ship having a hard time getting under the Iron Bridge because of high water levels. All the  passengers were moved from the top deck to the front to serve as ballast! Evidently the  pilot house wouldn't lower but finally they got it down & they were able to go under thebridge.

After dinner we went for a walk on the top deck & Fred discovered that his golfing...at least putting golf game won't suffer too much. They have a 4 hole putting greens. Will post pictures in day

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