Sunday, August 17, 2014

Ecola State Park, Indian Beach, crabs (not) & salmon

Tracy and Dan went surfing early this morning at Indian Beach. We joined them later just about the time the fog burned off. We missed seeing them surf but we had a fun time at the beach. Dan had put a crab pot out before they started surfing. When he went to collect, there were about 13 Dungeness crabs, an unlucky number today as they were all female! We walked to other end of the beach and saw beautiful starfish and more sea anemones.
View looking towards Haystack Rock.

We came back to Astoria & had lunch before heading to town for the Sunday Market. We bought some great cookies to have for dessert tonight.

Tonight and tomorrow night we will be in Long Beach, WA. Tracy & Dan came and since no crabs, we had a delicious repeat of last night's dinner. Yum! Afterwards we took a walk on the boardwalk and returned by beach. They are holding an International Kite festival here starting tomorrow so we should see some interesting kites.

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