Saturday, August 2, 2014

Montana Plains to Mountains!

Montana is VAST! There are about 50 miles between towns and between towns are wheat fields or cattle ranches. We woke early and got on the road around 6:30. Around 9:00 I decided we should count cars for excitement (it was either that or the crosses the state puts up for people killed in car accidents). We passed 12 trucks and 20 cars & campers in about 30 minutes! I wish we had started counting earlier as that is probably more than we saw in the first few hours of driving!!!! We had about 8 hours of driving today and are now in Columbia Falls, MT. The next two days will be in Glacier National Park. It is amazing to see the mountain rise up from the prairies....and they still have snow on some of the slopes.

The next is a FYI if you are ever traveling across MT2. Make sure you have reservations ( we did) and be be prepared to pay ridiculous prices. The energy boom has had a huge impact. We paid $95 for about a 1 star hotel. When we looked a couple of  months ago, practically every hotel we looked at was already full. It was a former Super 8. It was interesting that the town before Wolf  Point had a 350 room hotel under the middle of nowhere!

 Saw lots of trains. Most carry double decker shipping containers.
Also saw lots of windmills.

 Saw these buttes off in the distance.
 First sighting of Glacier National Park.

FYI, the pictures were taken as we were moving.

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