Saturday, August 30, 2014

Welcome to the Heartland....or why they call this flyover country

We woke up early on Friday and decided to get on the road. We kept seeing "sunrises" because of changing directions and mountains. Montana is more interesting than today's drive in Nebraska...but both are pretty flat with occasional smelly sections!!!! Guess we had gotten spoiled with changing scenery.

This was in Utah....see the arch?

                                           Wind fences in Montana

The big excitement yesterday was Cabella's headquarters was located where we were staying, Sidney, NE, a big town of 6,000.

The National Pony Express Memorial in Sidney

We stopped to get a NE quilting license tag today and have lunch at Culvers.  This afternoon we went to the Stuhr Museum of  Prairie Pioneer,  we could have gone to the NE State Fair but decided to avoid the crowds. They were having a fall festival at the Stuhr and I talked with the quilters. They did tell me that there were over 400 quilts at the state fair. We decided not to have our fortunes read though. They have brought buildings to represent what life would have been like in railroad or farming communities and have interpreters in most buildings.

House where Henry Fonda was born

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