Saturday, August 9, 2014

Kamloops & Sun Peaks

We left early this morning to drive to Kamloops. Saw some beautiful scenery in Yoho National Parrk although was it was foggy in places. It was in the mid 40s when we left Canmore but was in the 80s by the time we reached Kamloops. They were having a car show today....about 6 blocks of cars of different vintages....English, muscle, trucks, hot rods, etc. The area around Kamloops reminded us of Utah.  We got to Sun Peaks in time for afternoon tea and a walk into town.
  The drive through Yoho National Park & Kicking Horse Pass was beautiful.

Shuswap Lake

Couldn't resist taking a picture of this one but I am partial to the MGs!

 Sun Peaks looks like an Alpine village.

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